
Showing posts from August, 2018

Importance of Self Value - 8 Quick Ways to Increase Your Own Value by Self-Learning

You are your first priority, only you can increase your self-importance - Self Value only about our own value when a person's belief is only about own worth and value but it does not mean to be selfish . Did you think ever that you flow with feelings and forget your self-esteem ? It happens with all of us. People's choices and decisions have great influences on us but even these things we stay in that place that what matters for us and what is good for us. If you give importance to yourself then you will never be hurt and stop blaming yourself. Image credit - Clark The Importance of Self Value - Relationship reflects love, fame, career so many time we get deeply connected with these things sometimes it makes us weak and unhappy . If you respect yourself, definitely people will respect you. What you feel about yourself also shows how much confidence you are...! It will help you to be a happier person and no one can defeat you.  Your way of talking, smilin

Power of Smile Hidden Secrets - Do You Believe Smile Has Power To Win The World?

Most Pleasing Secrets of Smile You Will Have To Believe -  A beautiful smile has the power to win the world. It increases your face value. How many of you smile? Of course, you smile.  Smile, it is the hidden key that fits the lock of everybody's heart and also a symbol of friendship and peace. A smile has the power to convert sorrow into joy and sadness into happiness. You will have to believe the most pleasing power of a smile which can win the whole world . Y our joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. Smiling is powerful because -  It can change millions of lives for the better. Instead of using weapons, countries should have peaceful talks and they should show love and concern for other nations by smiling with their hearts. Image credit - A smile is not a superficial gesture that starts and ends on the face. It comes from the heart and touches the heart of the recipient.  Love and peace ca

Feelings Are Temporary - Never Take Permanent Decision On Temporary Feelings

Don't flow with feelings because feelings are temporary - Make right choice...decision is yours. Don't make permanent decisions on temporary feelings. Feelings flow with the passage of time and most of us we make decisions on that temporary feelings and break our relationships. Is it right?  We are big believers in the fact that just because you think it; just because you feel it, doesn’t make it true and doesn’t mean it is final. Our feelings are often our biggest motivators to make a change in our daily life or career.  Are you aware of feelings..what they are in actual? Feelings are all about -  love, care, affection, fondness, tenderness, warmth, emotion, desire , understanding, devotion etc.  Feelings are attached to your emotions as well as feelings express your emotions. Your mood your feelings your emotions all are attached to each other. If someone makes you happy then that time you behave kindly and when someone makes you hurt when you feel f

Strong Determination - How Long Can You Stay Focused To Achieve Your Life's Aim?

How Can Strong Determination Help Us To Stay Focused If We Really Want To Achieve Goal Of Life? Focus on the outcome, not the obstacle   Remaining centered can enable you to achieve an assortment of expert and individual errands, from concentrate for a test to completing your work an hour early. Strong determination is key to success and if you really want success then you will automatically get attached to life's goal . It also depends on that how much determined you are towards your life's goal and remain focused..! CONTINUELY REMIND YOURSELF OF YOUR ULTIMATE GOALS To remain concentrated on the errand in front of you, oppose the motivation to yield to diversions, make a plan for the day (which has worked in breaks) and oppose the compulsion to multi-undertaking.  Practice fixation by killing all diversions and conferring your consideration regarding a solitary assignment.  Begin little, perhaps five minutes out of every day, and work up to bigger pie

5 Letter Magical Word Will Make Your Relationship Lifetime - Get Advantages

Most Important 5 Letter Word Will Improve Your Relationship -  All relationship has problems because no one is ready to leave ego. Ego is harmful in every relation such as spouses, friends, parents, colleagues, religious people have been victim of ego. Don't they understand that we are dealing with the same father, the same God ? It is only because you don't know how to get rid of these obstacles. Today, I want to share 5 letter magical word which will make your relationship lifetime and strong .  Do you want to know which magical word it is?  Forgive others by saying sorry.   Why we all have an ego? It's only because we can't say sorry. Sorry is 5 letter magical word which will make your relationship lifetime . You love your ego more than relationships. Believe ...that you can save many relationships by saying this magical word. It's doesn't mean that you are weak or afraid. It means that you really care about your relationship more than ego. I have

Keep On Struggling Till Good is Better and Better is Best - INCREDIBLE SECRETS

INCREDIBLE SECRETS - Keep On Struggling Until Good Changes into Better and Better Changes into Best. Our Life is God's gift. Life teaches us a lots lessons of up's and down, joys and sorrows, love, patience and many more etc. Sometimes we have to face more challenges that are unbearable but keep on struggling till good is better and better is best. We meet a lot of people who teach us how to face and interact with our every problem. You just have to remember an inspirational story which will motivate you every step of life.  Never, never, never  give up. Set your goals high and don't stop till you get there. Toughest Situation Can Never Stop You If You Have Strong Determination To Achieve Your Goal. I have learned more from people but also cheaters who make me strong to face any problem in life. In real sense, they make you more strong and leave lessons to move ahead and never to trust again. Expectations we seeking from other people always hurt but in th

Inspirational Story of Mother Giraffe and Baby Giraffe - Golden Keys

Inspirational Story of Mother Giraffe and Baby Giraffe - Golden Keys  Golden keys can be many types but these Golden Keys are If you become hopeless, you will lose everything. Whenever you feel hopeless, just remember mother giraffe.  Inspirational Story of Mother Giraffe and Baby Giraffe will help you  achieve success in your life.  If you learn to get up , stand up and start running, then you will reach the highest peak of  success .  Sometimes, You need to be a little rough, to teach something well -  When a mother giraffe gives birth to a baby giraffe... mother giraffe is very tall and the baby giraffe falls on the ground with a force. And baby giraffe tries to understand where it has fallen, mother giraffe stands over it and kicks it really hard.  The baby giraffe falls at a distance and tries to stand up again., again the mother giraffe comes and stands over it and again gives it another hard kick.  The baby giraffe understands that... 'If I don't act now

Do You Want To Know Most Selfish One Letter Word In This World? It is I - Just Avoid

I Is Most Selfish One Letter Word - Avoid it Selfishness is hidden behind me. I is me & me is mine. Is it a puzzle for you? If yes then resolve it. Yes, it's absolutely accurate that most selfish one letter word is i... I mean mine. Everything revolves around i. We learn from mistakes and who is the biggest reason behind it. Why we have to face problems it is only we aren't aware of life's original truth. Don't be selfish by thinking only about you..if you want solutions then it's essential to for you to learn life-changing methods. What Does I Stands For? I stand for expectations and expectations always hurt .  We all want to be famous in this world but here we think only about yourself but it does not mean to forget our loving ones and those who really want to stay with us forever.  We all leading a life of super high expectations . Everything spins around my opinion , my dislikes , my likes , my career , my money, my house, I love this, I want this

Expectations From People Always Disappointed So Try To Expect From Yourself

Expectations From People Always Hurt - Expectations Expectations Expectations ! yes, I am talking about expectations ...which we all expect from people that they will do what we want. If it is not fulfilled then we get frustrated and always hurt. It happens with all of us. Some of them get back from these obstacles while another surround in it. Yes, it is a bitter truth that expectations from people always disappointed so try to expect more from yourself. A similarity of expectations always happens with all of us - Too much expectations lead to sadness but still, we expect? When someone made you feel special yesterday and reacting today you are nothing for him/her. It hurt's when you realize that you aren't important as you were before. Sometimes we create our own rules when not to complete then see yourself fully distract.  People to whom you are talking and spending time..suddenly they forget it soon. Depend on other people to make you happy so you th

Attitude of Gratitude - Thanks all individuals for being part of my life’s journey

Attitude of Gratitude - Thanks to all individuals for being part of my life’s journey Attitude of Gratitude means a lot. It is a habit to explain a big thank to everyone on a regular basis. Your behavior, opinion, a way of talking, your lifestyle all involve in attitude, while gratitude depends to be thankful to all individuals for being part of your life’s journey . How to develop an attitude of gratitude? Express yourself and be present. Spend time with your loved ones, friends, family, relatives and some time alone. Spread your thoughts through Wishes Wings and appreciate everyone for their achievements.  Find Gratitude in Challenged tasks with appreciating every good thing in life. Give out compliments and be a good listener. Make eye contact and remain active. Gratitude is helpful for enjoying life -  Appreciation is a liberal and loose quality that gives us a chance to be with life and a piece of life. It is trusting, a quality that is regularly ailing

How To Know Secret Of Law Of Attraction and Is It Working Effectively?

Secret Of Law Of Attraction – Do You Want To Know? Law of Attraction is one of life's greatest puzzles. Few people are aware of an effect of the Law of Attraction which has a powerful impact on their everyday life. Regardless of whether we are doing it purposely or unwittingly, each second of our reality, we are keep on conveying our contemplations and feelings and pulling in back a greater amount of what we have put out.  Law of Attraction is the ability to attract The Law of Attraction attracts our lives constantly and whatever we are focusing on & definitely achieve.   It is the Law of Attraction which works with the power of mind and translate our thoughts and convert them into reality.  Law of attraction also have strong relationships with Will Power . Secret Of Law Of Attraction is Actual? I believe the law of attraction and it does work for me. Everything is achievable with this attraction and we just need to see with mind’s eye. If you agree then

How to learn 10 Most Impactful Life-Changing Ideas Completely Forever

How to learn 10 Most Impactful Life-Changing Ideas I promise to myself that I will keep on going in happiest and hard times and would never stop in my life’s journey till death. Accept it that life is the same. Life teaches us lots of lessons. Today I am going to provide you 10 most impactful life-changing ideas which would covert your life forever completely into happiness, get relief from sorrows, come & fight back, never give up, patience, gratitude, confidence, and self-esteem.  These all ways are called Will Power . A Huge Success Means a lot...Think about it! A noteworthy part of the achievement condition needs to do with being to Good yourself. Treating yourself with inspiring and motivational along your life journey. It's essential to commend all victories vast and little on the adventure toward fulfilling your dreams through Wishes Wings . The best things in life don't come easily. Don't follow your dreams just chase them. Life is a mixture o