Feelings Are Temporary - Never Take Permanent Decision On Temporary Feelings

Don't flow with feelings because feelings are temporary - Make right choice...decision is yours.

Don't make permanent decisions on temporary feelings. Feelings flow with the passage of time and most of us we make decisions on that temporary feelings and break our relationships. Is it right? We are big believers in the fact that just because you think it; just because you feel it, doesn’t make it true and doesn’t mean it is final. Our feelings are often our biggest motivators to make a change in our daily life or career. 

Are you aware of feelings..what they are in actual?

Feelings Are Temporary - Never Take Permanent Decision On Temporary Feelings

Feelings are all about - love, care, affection, fondness, tenderness, warmth, emotion, desire, understanding, devotion etc. 
Feelings are attached to your emotions as well as feelings express your emotions.
Your mood your feelings your emotions all are attached to each other. If someone makes you happy then that time you behave kindly and when someone makes you hurt when you feel frustrated and broken hurt. When someone recites the inspirational story to you and then you behave like the strongest person. Thus words have the power to change your mood, emotions, feelings etc.

Feelings keep on going from a person to person. We get attached to people in this world. So they are an enormous reason for our feelings.
When we are alone then what we feel at that time? did you think about it? Yes, of course...we all feel lonely because there is nobody to talk with us so we find sources to get attached to people. 

Feelings are important because...

  • Feelings are important because they are greatly responsible for our whole experience of life. It’s our feelings that claims whether we are happy or sad, content or frustrated. 
  • There is no shortage of examples of people who seem to have it all, yet feel unhappy, unfulfilled and depressed. 
  • Then again, there are the individuals who resist all chances and lead cheerful and satisfying lives regardless of evident weaknesses, for example, extraordinary neediness or physical incapacities.
  • We wish to do everything we want all are our feelings.

It is our feelings that motivate us to do things---

Feelings Are Temporary - Never Take Permanent Decision On Temporary Feelings
Image Credit - LisaHallWilson

Our thoughts have a profound impact on our feelings; our feelings affect the way we behave, and our behavior is responsible for our results. Feelings have huge relationship with will-power.

Feelings are temporary why?

Feelings are temporary because feelings flow with the passage of time. If I recite joke to you then you will laugh more and more...if I recite the same joke again to you then you will laugh a little bit...if I recite the same joke again then would you laugh or be silent? Yes, you would not laugh and get bored earlier. Life is a mixture of up's and downs then if we can't laugh the same joke...then why we get regret and stay demotivate if life hurts us! Why we kept on crying on our pains, sorrow everything that makes you shattered? A decision is yours just think about it.
You can't break many of your relations on temporary feelings because feelings are temporary...let them come & go.


  1. I were totally attached with my x-bf and he broke my heart deeply...i were thinking that i can't live without him but my parents supported me alot and i started reading inspirational quotes thoughts and i saw a unique change in me... after that i read your article which made my self confidence again in me... that nothing is permanently..life gows in flow and feelings are temporary...hats of to you nisha.
    Really thanks once again for building my trust again in me.

    1. I am very glad by hearing from your side..u moved up that is superb. Thanks for praising my posts and probably my posts will inspire all of you who really want to read something new then i am making and creating these type of posts relevant to our real lives and motivate all of you. Keep it up Aakriti..a big thanks to you.


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