Do You Want To Know Most Selfish One Letter Word In This World? It is I - Just Avoid

I Is Most Selfish One Letter Word - Avoid it

Selfishness is hidden behind me. I is me & me is mine. Is it a puzzle for you? If yes then resolve it. Yes, it's absolutely accurate that most selfish one letter word is i... I mean mine. Everything revolves around i. We learn from mistakes and who is the biggest reason behind it. Why we have to face problems it is only we aren't aware of life's original truth. Don't be selfish by thinking only about you..if you want solutions then it's essential to for you to learn life-changing methods.

Do You Want To Know Most Selfish One Letter Word In This World? It is I - Just Avoid

What Does I Stands For?

I stand for expectations and expectations always hurt.  We all want to be famous in this world but here we think only about yourself but it does not mean to forget our loving ones and those who really want to stay with us forever. We all leading a life of super high expectations. Everything spins around my opinion, my dislikes, my likes, my career, my money, my house, I love this, I want this, I don't want this, I never fun, I have to go abroad...
"I", "I", "I", "I", "I", "I", "I", "I"
I should be treated like this. I should be loved like this. I should be treated and respond like this. I should be respected like this. I should have cared like this. I should not be given this.
Should your dreams come true? If yes then don't be selfish. 

You think life would be a very happy life if everything revolves around "I"?

From a child, we are grown up like this. We only learn to take and everyone has to fulfill 'My expectations'. Everything should be up to my expectations. Why? You can also make your life according to your own Will-power.

How you can avoid this one letter word - I?

Be realistic with your expectations. 
Be Thankful to everyone, every time.
Having expectations is not a problem but understand that not everyone can fulfill your expectations. 
Trying to serve others. When you want to be served, you're dependent on people and they may not serve you. When you want to serve, who can stop you?

Do You Want To Know Most Selfish One Letter Word In This World? It is I - Just Avoid

When you want respect people may not respect you. But when you want to give respect, who can stop you? 
When you want to be loved, you may not be loved. But when you want to give love, who can stop you? 
Did you think ever that when you want charity, people may not give you charity? But when you want to give charity, Nobody can stop you?

The reality of life is amazing once you accept it - The more you give the more you get. It's real. Only you expect from yourself then see life would be in your hands and you will never get disappointed again. Be strong, follow your own desires and learn how we can get connected with our mind's eye to imagining this beautiful world. I tried to avoid this selfish word in myself...did you?


  1. People are usually selfish by nature who uses the word "I". This is the word to avoid when it there are others involved in any task and your article is well defining the term "I".

    But don't declare the main them in the title. You have give question and answer in the title itself. People will not read whole post when they read the answer in the title.

    Otherwise your post is good to read and share among people we know or we care about.

  2. It is not a post about where to start, where to end and what's to put in title or not?
    It does'not matter for me.. Most important which matter for me to spread my opinion, my thoughts which can be motivational for all of you. So in the title i just mention "i" is most selfish word. On the other hands, i gave deeply details which is wonderful. whatever..Thanks for compliment.


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