I Don't Make Best Friends - I Just Make Real Friends

Best Friends Can't Be Called Real Friends - Indeed Real Friends Are True Friends.

Friends are people we love to spend time and be with them forever. They give us company when we are alone, support us unconditionally and accept us despite our shortcomings.They make celebrations fun, and they help us be ourselves. Forgive them who made you cry. As just saying that i have best friends but have you ever think that a friend you are calling best one, stood on your side in your hard times? So, i just believe in making real friends.

I Don't Make Best Friends - I Just Make Real Friends
Fake friends believe in rumors,real friends believe in you.

Golden Rules Of Friendship -

Real Friends help us grow at a spiritual level also. Each soul is on a queue of life's journey. Friends are like books who come into our lives, play their roles and move on. Don’t we all have friends who we were very close to at one point, but with whom we are no longer in touch with now?Taking care of each other even know without saying what our friend want to say? 
  • Taking care by heart not at mind.
  • Don't hide truth when they should know reality.
  • Time is most important in friendship
  • Remember your friends whether you have new friends.

Is Friendship conditional or unconditional?

Remember the worst time of your life. Now find out that one person who stood by you in this hour of difficulties. It could either be a parent, sibling or close friend.  Your friend was there for you, comforting reassuring and supportive. That’s what friends are about providing constant support, our comforting confidant and our worst critic.They are the family we choose! On the other hand people you love..they have no time when you need them in hard times.

I Don't Make Best Friends - I Just Make Real Friends

How to recognize real friends? 

  1. Real friends make you feel needed, confident, and happy. Everyone needs a little positive energy here and there, and True Friends remain their every step where we move.
  2. Sometimes all you need is for someone who cheated you to shut up and listen. True friends know how to close their mouths and open their ears, as long as you can do the same from time to time. 
  3. True friends make eye contact when talking, remember what you've told them, and ask thoughtful questions. Notice who does most of the talking. In an ideal friendship, both friends should roughly share the same amount. 
  4. With true friends, you happily share lovely stories and secrets, and they share them back. They'll pick up on your moods without cues.
  5. When things get rough, true friends don't beat around the bush, they have mature, honest conversations that get to the point.
  6. True friends are an inspiration for you

Two Quick Ways To Identify False Friends.

I Don't Make Best Friends - I Just Make Real Friends
  • False friends may lie, break promises, or pull disappearing acts when you need them most. Reflect on the friendship over the past several weeks or months. Has this friend regularly let you down in some way? If so, you may be dealing with a fake friend. 
  • Pay attention to “me, me, me” behavior. Reflect on how you feel during or after being with this friend. Do you regularly feel ignored of every conversation or decision? If so, your friend may not have your best interests at hear. 

What Do You Seek In Friendship?

Honesty is one of the cornerstones of a true friendship. If your friend is open and honest with you, it’s a good sign. If your friend lies, no matter if it’s about little things or big things, chances are you don’t have a true friendship
It's my thinking that friends could be million but real friend is original ruby whom you need today & tomorrow. So my message in this post is to spread my views among all of you. Always make real friends...Indeed they are "Precious Treasure for you.


  1. Friendship starts with an internal feeling. Where no one can control your feeling. And when it happens, even you too can't control your feelings. This is no doubt a good example of friends and real friends. I enjoyed this write up. Good luck... ;)


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