Cinderella's Fairy Tale - Most Interesting Story For Kids Ever

Hello Kids..Are You Excited To Hear Most Interesting Story Of Fairy Cinderella?

Cinderella's Fairy Tale - Most Interesting Story For Kids Ever

True Story of Fairy Cinderella - Once upon time a beautiful girl named Cinderella lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters.  Poor Cinderella kept on hard working all day long so the others could rest. Cinderella had to wake up each morning earlier while other members of family were doing rest in dark morning. She used to cook meals everyday. It was she who kept the fire going. The poor girl could not stay clean, from all the ashes and cinders by the fire and even she did not get time for herself.

Her two step sisters laughed at her and mess with her.

One day came , big celebration held in town.The King and Queen were going to have a ball!  It was time for the Prince to find a bride. All of the young ladies in the land were invited to come. They were wild with joy! They would wear their most beautiful gown and fix their hair extra nice. Maybe the prince would like them! So it was joyful moment.

Cinderella had to made brand-new gowns for her step-sisters. Cinderella were also thinking to go in celebration but she was little bit sad.

Step-mother and daughters left Cinderella alone in house and went in beautiful carriage.
They said good-bye to Cinderella.She wish i could go to ball also.

Suddenly fairy came in front of Cinderella and said that i am here to complete your wish. I am your Godmother. Cinderella said my wish is impossible to complete. Fairy tapped her wand on Cinderella's head and she changed into one of the most beautiful girl in this world. Her dirty dress convert into beautiful gown and her hairs changed into golden color. 


Carriage was shown beautiful carriage outside the door seems waiting for her. It was unbelievable for Cinderella and she thanked Fairy She stepped into the carriage.  And they were off.  

Prince met all women and suddenly he looked beautiful girl Cinderella. Everyone was shocked how beautiful she is..!!!
Prince were in love with her and said it's nice to meet you..Can we dance together?Soon the other maidens at the ball got jealous.  “Why is he dancing all the time with her?” they said. “How rude Prince is!” 

Cinderella said,"Many things are possible,if you wish it to be true."
Now it's time to leave ball for Cinderella on the command of fairy. She suddenly left ball. The Prince was very much surprised when he missed Cinderella again, and leaving the ball, went in search of her. He asked all the attendants, but no one had seen her, and when inquiry was made of the porter, he said that no one had gone out of the palace except a poor ragged beggar-girl.

However, the Prince’s search was rewarded by his finding the glass slipper, which he well knew belonged to the unknown Princess. He loved Cinderella so much that he now resolved to marry her; and as he felt sure that no one else could wear such a tiny shoe as hers was, he sent out a herald to proclaim that whichever lady in his kingdom could put on this glass slipper should be his wife.
Cinderella's Fairy Tale - Most Interesting Story For Kids Ever

All the great ladies who wished to be a Princess tried to put it on, but in vain. Cinderella’s sisters tried, but could not get it on, and then Cinderella asked if she might try. They laughed at her; but the Prince, hearing of her wish, sent for her. She went with her sisters in her poor dress, but very clean, and at once put on the slipper. Then she drew the fellow of it from her pocket, and slipped it on her other foot.

The Prince, who had thought the moment he saw her that the poor girl was very much like the beautiful Princess, was delighted. He insisted on Cinderella telling him her story, which she did very modestly, and all listened with wonder.
 Cinderella's Fairy Tale - Most Interesting Story For Kids Ever
So Cinderella was married to the Prince in great state, and they lived together very happily. She forgave her sisters, and treated them always very kindly, and the Prince had great cause to be glad that he had found the glass slipper. 


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